Our Ukraine families (18) are doing very well, given the physical and emotional trauma. Can you imagine going into a strange country, not knowing anyone, where to live, find clothing, food, doctors, schools, and on and on. Yes, a day-to-day struggle. Sheldrake for Ukraine volunteers have located housing, furniture, etc.
Sheldrake for Ukraine Refugees is blessed with many supporters, and cooperation with other agencies. Supporters have assisted us in many areas: such as, providing clothing, apartments, furniture, beds and bedding, groceries, kitchen items, cell phones. Several medical teams provide professional services, examinations, and immunizations to comply with USCIS health regulations, plus dental and physical therapy.
The children attend school. This year, three graduated high school and on to college or vocational training, nursing, mechanical, and culinary. The adults are enrolled in English classes (ESOL). During 2023, several received official US: “Authorization to Work ” documents. They are so proud of this card! They are searching for full-time employment. Can you help? Do you need someone in your business. While searching, several have short-term jobs: cleaning, laundry, car wash, dish washer, busser, runner, etc.
This end of the year message is a “GREAT BIG, THANK YOU”. Thank you for your financial support. Our refugees monthly utilities and rents are our biggest expenses. You have generously given. Oftentimes your donation arrives just as the bills are due.
Thank You. Thank you. Thank you.
Our mission continues: To assist all seeking shelter from hostilities. ( it’s expanding with the hostilities from Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine.) You may share our mission with your family and friends, our best endorsement is yours.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. May God continue to bless you and keep you in the palm of His hand. I am thankful to you. I send my best wishes for this holiday season, both Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas. May you have prosperity in the New Year. Let us all pray for Peace.
Ron & Janet Sheldon, Co-Founders